Who We Are
Content Creators with a Clue
Effective Education
Our team is ready to create effective content to educate your prospects in an engaging and memorable way to show users why your technology is so special.
Sophisticated Writing
We bring a deep understanding of engineering, product capabilities, enterprise software, and technology marketing to bear on your project unlike any other choices you have.
Built for Marketing
Once we have a firm grasp on details of your product and market, we can create the content you need for many different types of programs and distribution channels.
Effective Education
Our team is ready to create effective content to educate your prospects in an engaging and memorable way to show users why your technology is so special.
Sophisticated Writing
We bring a deep understanding of engineering, product capabilities, enterprise software, and technology marketing to bear on your project unlike any other choices you have.
Built for Marketing
Once we have a firm grasp on details of your product and market, we can create the content you need for many different types of programs and distribution channels.
Here’s Our Team

Dan Woods
I create ideas about your products, based on a broad technical understanding. By writing as an analyst, and working with you and the team, I see the magic in your technology and why it matters to your buyers.

Lauren Wagner
I keep our projects moving forward in the most efficient and effective way possible. Though I am a project manager, I have a creative side as well and eagerly put on my producer hat to work on visual projects like videos, infographics, eBooks and books (for example The Digital Big Bang, and Cyber Safe). When I’m not working I am probably enjoying some binge worthy TV or planning a trip to the beach. Hidden Talent – I can juggle.

Evan Sirof
My lifelong curiosity about technology and deep love of words fuel a passion for creating narratives that I bring to every project. Backed by three decades of experience in marketing, my writing provides the bridge between your company’s brilliance and your buyers’ “getting it.” When not weaving stories, I’m likely hiking or cooking.

Karen Queen
I love learning about technology and then leveraging that learning to show why your tech matters to your clients. Contributing to a well-written document makes my heart sing. My goal: to make my writing sound like you, only better. My side gig: teaching and playing music.

Vincent Rossmeier
Writing has always been my passion. I love to take semi-formed ideas and help fashion them into compelling narratives. As a continual learner, I find immense satisfaction in the fact that technology offers so many opportunities to spark my curiosity.

Melanie Cronin
I send our invoices to the right person at the right time. I am always looking for ways to make it easier for our clients, staff and partners to work with us. What I do on the side? Sell fine art.

Michael Kelly
The twin passions I bring to your project are my long-standing curiosity about cognition and technology, and an abiding interest in education. I use my background in instructional design principles to develop educational material about your products and services. In my spare time, I work on an independent research project aimed at re-framing counting.

David Penick
I do final proofreads and copyedits of your work, to add that extra bit of quality control to the process. I also post projects on WordPress, ensuring that the formatting fits the frame. Side life: rock musician

Kelly Steckler
I use my creative skills to make your content shine! I am passionate about all things design-related and keeping clients happy. When I’m not working, I love being outside, spending time with family, and eating tacos.

Terry LaBan
I use cartoons to bring your technology narrative to life in a unique, effective, and expressive way. My side hobbies? Cartooning, drawing, and teaching cartooning.

Deb Cameron
I couple editorial vision with technology expertise to make your content sing loud and clear to your buyers. I love learning about technology, and I’m all ears to learn about yours. My most relevant job experience? O’Reilly editor and author. My guilty pleasure? Geek humor.