Pack Your Bags for Your PR Journey

We’re living in an era where outsourcing our lives has never been easier. From driverless cars to Amazon home delivery of almost any product we could ever need possible at the click of button, it’s increasingly easy to automate our existence. Yet, too often, companies approach #PR in the same way – as something to turn over to someone else, as something done for the company, rather than with it. But to get the most of PR, you need to establish a strong relationship between the PR firm or consultant and the business that’s being represented. [av_button label=’GIVE ME CONTENT ADVICE TODAY’ link=’’ link_target=’_blank’ size=’x-large’ position=’left’ icon_select=’yes’ icon=’ue83c’ font=’entypo-fontello’ color=’orange’ custom_bg=’fa8f00′ custom_font=’ffffff’ av_uid=’av-6yqkz1′] How do you build that strong foundation? As part of our continuing series about PR for tech companies, I spoke with Evan Sirof, a freelance PR expert and consultant. Sirof has a lot of experience working with companies in various stages of the PR journey. He offered up his checklist of how any business can get the most out of PR. Priority 1: When You Start PR, Have a Goal Sirof emphasized a point I’ve heard from a lot of PR experts: when you begin PR, you … Continue reading Pack Your Bags for Your PR Journey